The Sinaloa Cartel attempted to establish itself in Chile: Mexican brothers sentenced for drug trafficking

Two Mexican brothers linked to the Sinaloa Cartel have been sentenced in Chile after being identified as authors of the crime of conspiracy for drug trafficking. The conviction of the Mexicans was determined by a unanimous decision of the Oral Criminal Trial Court of the city of Iquique in Chile.

“It was a cell of the Sinaloa Cartel, meaning it had a level of organization superior to many national criminal organizations since it had a large amount of economic resources, access to weapons, contacts in various parts of the world, controlled some strategic points in certain ports in Europe, its leaders outlined (…) that they had no problem resorting to violence to achieve their illicit objectives, and ultimately, they intended to use our port and airport platforms by corrupting people who pretended to be port and airport agents.”

According to the report from Chilean authorities, the members of the criminal group intended to use maritime and air ports by corrupting personnel who posed as workers in those areas and were actually undercover police agents.


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