More Busloads of Migrants Arrive at Vice President’s Residence After She Was Charged With Solving Border Crisis

Red state governors are busing or flying migrants to liberal ‘sanctuary cities’ such as D.C. as well as to the exclusive liberal island of Martha’s Vineyard.

Two buses filled with migrants who crossed the southern border have arrived at the Naval Observatory at Washington, D.C. — the official residence of Vice President Harris. She has officially been tasked with fixing the root causes of the migration crisis, and by many accounts has struggled to deliver results.

On Thursday, just before the pandemic-era immigration restriction known as Title 42 expired, two buses delivered dozens of migrants to the vice president’s gates. On Wednesday evening, 50 migrants were dropped off. The caravan originated in Texas, reportedly sent directly to Ms. Harris’s door by the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott.

“Until President Biden steps up and does his job, Texas will continue busing migrants to sanctuary cities to provide relief to our overwhelmed border towns,” a spokesman for Mr. Abbott told the Texas Tribune.
Mr. Abbott had previously delivered buses of migrants to Ms. Harris as a Christmas present last year. In all, Texas has sent 17,000 migrants to so-called sanctuary cities like New York, Chicago, and Washington.

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