Americans disapprove of Biden’s border policies

A majority of Americans disapprove of how the government has handled border security and support the construction of a wall on the southern border, according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday.

Seventy-one percent of registered voters surveyed said that current levels of security at the U.S. border are not strict enough, with a majority of Democrats and Biden voters saying that more needed to be done to secure the border with Mexico. Eighty-two percent of independents voiced their disapproval with current border policies.

A further 57 percent of those surveyed said they were in favor of building a border wall. Among independents, that number was 53 percent. Forty-nine percent of Hispanic voters and 40 percent of Black voters also voiced their support for the wall.

The results are a reversal from past polling, which had consistently shown that most Americans opposed the construction of a wall. Back in January 2019, 58 percent of Americans said they opposed expanding the border wall, according to Pew Research data. A February 2019 Gallup poll found that a similar 60 percent of Americans opposed the border wall.


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