Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Proposes Private Military Contractors Take on Drug Cartels

Erik Prince, founder of the private military company Blackwater, has suggested that Donald Trump issue “letters of marque”—a historical wartime authorization—to allow U.S. private military contractors (PMCs) to conduct operations against targets outside the country.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Prince argued that these modern-day privateers could be deployed against drug cartels in Mexico and Latin America, claiming this approach would help disrupt the flow of drugs and human trafficking across the U.S. border.

He pointed out that the last time the U.S. issued such an authorization was in 1942, when a blimp operator was given permission to hunt Japanese submarines after Pearl Harbor. Prince believes a similar presidential order today could give PMCs a “license to hunt.”

Prince also warned that cartels are now better armed than Mexican law enforcement, using their massive profits to acquire advanced weapons, elite personnel, and cutting-edge technology.

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