Two Pedophiles arrested after crossing the Southern Border illegally

Two more child sex predators arrested after crossing the southern border illegally. Border Patrol in Del Rio sector arrested one man with a record for sexual assault of a child under age 14, and another man with a record of soliciting child prostitution with child sexual employment.

Fortunately these predators were caught & were not among the tens of thousands of monthly “gotaways”, whose identities and rap sheets are unknown.

Border Patrol is aware of 1.3 million immigrants who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border, evaded arrest, and whose whereabouts are unknown.

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz testified before the House Homeland Security Committee at a hearing in McAllen, Texas, on Wednesday that since October 2022, agents had observed 385,000 noncitizens cross the southern border but were unable to pursue those people due to constraints responding to other groups of people smuggled.

The new figure is in addition to 318,112 illegal immigrants observed between January 2021, when President Joe Biden took office, and the end of fiscal 2021 that September.

Approximately 599,000 “gotaways” were recorded in 2022 for a grand total of 1,302,112 during the Biden administration.

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